
Happy Thanksgiving!

Each year, Thanksgiving gives us time to pause and count our many blessings. No matter where we might be in our life’s journey, there are blessings to be cherished each day. For example, during this snowy northern Colorado week, our families were blessed with the generous warmth and shelter at Summitview Church throughout the storm.

Family Housing Network is based on blessing one another with our presence, time and gifts. Every day of the year, vulnerable families are met where they are in their life’s journey and they are offered the opportunity to have a new start. A new start may include a future of better health, a new job or school and a new home. It is all offered for them to work towards. Each year, over 1,300 volunteers show up throughout the year to generously love and bless the families we serve. With these blessings and love, adults are empowered, children thrive and families become independent once again.

We are so VERY THANKFUL for each and every one of you who steps into the lives of our vulnerable families and blesses them.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,

Annette Zacharias